DMI Interview - Jamal Igle
February 16, 2009
Jamal Igle: Well, i usually use people I know as modes for certain characters but yours was the first fan request. It's always a challenge for me to figure out how to use a likeness. It wasn't that I wasn't willing to put you in a book, it was trying to find a part for you.
DMI: What are some of the coolest/weirdest things you've snuck into a comic, "Easter eggs" if you will?
Jamal: Not Easter Eggs so much but for most of my books I always manage to sneak the license plate"IG884E".
DMI: How are your convention experiences normally? More specifically with the fans? Have any recent stories to tell?
Jamal: They're usually really good. the fans are friendly and I enjoy talking to them, seeing what they like and don't like. I don't know if I have any fan specific stories of late.
DMI: Lastly, how cool is it to work from home and to draw comic books? How much time do you devote in a days work? What time of day do you prefer to work? How easy is it to get distracted?
Jamal: It's very cool, I've been doing it for a very long time now. I usually end up working anywhere between 8 and 16 hours depending on what has to be done that day. I work all hours though from about 10 am to 4 am. Night time is great because my wife and baby are asleep, no one's calling on the phone and I can just draw uninterrupted. I don't get distracted usually but I do have to take breaks to keep for straining myself. At the same time because I can become extremely focused on my work I forget to eat sometimes.
Labels: DMI Interview, Jamal Igle