Thanks Lee Garbett!
May 29, 2009

An appearance that sort of snuck by me.
I had been in previous contact with Outsiders artist Lee Garbett, however realizing the turn around time in comic books, never expecting seeing an appearance so soon. I read right by it. Thankfully it was made aware. Thank you Lee Garbett for everything.

DMI Appearance #10! Outsiders #18!
Tenth Appearance! Outsiders #18 by Lee Garbett!
May 20, 2009

And I totally missed it too!
In an e-mail he sent me at the end of March 2009 he said he'd, "pop [me] in as soon as the opportunity arises." At the earliest I've seen a three month turnaround from these sort of e-mails, pencils to print.
Two months later, a week after Outsiders #18 hit store shelves, I get an e-mail from Lee asking if I had caught myself in the issue. I had totally missed it sad to say.

Thanks Lee Garbett for the great likeness.
Labels: Appearance #10, Lee Garbett, Outsiders #18
Reaching Out... Josh Howard, Francis Manapul & Lee Garbett
May 12, 2009

I'm always adding new books to my pull list... which can get expensive, but such is this hobby of mine. As with Guillem March starting a run with Gotham City Sirens, I am looking forward to the starts of Josh Howard's new Image run of Dead @17 and Francis Manapul's run starting on Adventure Comics!

It's still early yet to determine any outcomes on these yet. But if either of them stop by here I'd just like to say, "Thanks for visiting!"
And also, while I'm updating this blog, I've also recently talked to Lee Garbett, current penciler on DC Comics Outsiders. He said, "I'll pop you in as soon as the opportunity arises".
So with many weeks of inactivity, I'm finally getting back to this, and getting responses too!
May also marks the 3rd year I've been doing this. So here's looking forward another great year! Good times!
Labels: Francis Manapul, Josh Howard, Lee Garbett
Contact! Guillem March!
May 7, 2009

I know things have been slow here on the site, but behind the scenes, I'm still trying to reach out to those artists whose work I think is great or to the artists of books that I collect on a regular basis.
Last night I received an e-mail from Guillem March, DC cover artist and future series artist of Gotham City Sirens! In an attempt to keep me on my toes, I was told I'd have to pay attention to future issues. This is great news, I hope good things for Guillem, I think the book will be great.
Thanks again Guillem!
Labels: Guillem March