Planet Comicon
March 28, 2009

First up I talked to Skottie Young, current artist of Marvel's Wizard of Oz series. I had a run of New X-Men he did signed and talked up a bit of the characters. Nice guy.

After talking with Skottie I headed towards Freddie Williams II table. There waiting for me were two of the six pages he had drawn me into of Blue Beetle #15. Freddie is an awesome guy, of all the artists I've talked too this is the guy I've held the most contact with. Thanks for everything dude.

I stopped by to have Ande Parks and Phil Hester sign a few more Green Arrow books they did. I talked to Ande for a while and while taking interest in my quest, told him I'd dedicate a post to him.
Found and had a quick chat with Alex Grecian. He signed all the issues Proof that had came out since the last/first time we meet. As of now I have the entire run signed by him. He's a good guy, I should probably chat with these all these guys more often.
Next up were the KC writers. I hit up Jason Aaron first as his line had a break in it. Like Tony, I don't collect anything that Jason writes. Nothing against the two guys, I just don't follow their books. However I do plan on picking up Jason's forthcoming first issue of Wolverine: Weapon X. Something for him to sign at the next con.

In a recent interview he and fellow KC writer Matt Fraction did for Wizard magazine, I pulled a quote that Jason said was advice he received before his first time writing Wolverine, "Just write the F---king Wolverine." I thought that was good advice so I put it on a nameplate and gave it to him.

All these guys remembered me, which is good. They all took to my fliers and said they'd pass them along to the artists of their respective books. I would love to be in all the local guys titles.
Labels: planet comicon
commented by
Single Father Dating, May 5, 2009 at 2:50 PM

you rule.
M.E. O'Brien
M.E. O'Brien
Mike O'Brien