Contact!! A Seriously Awesome String of Events!
July 21, 2010
After posting my 14th appearance by the Luna's in Sword #24, life got busy and I got lazy and let Draw Me In take a back seat. Then recently I decided to get back into the game and reach out to a few creator's who've recently struck a cord with me. And hit the jackpot!
I've already talked up Kody Chamberlain here on the site recently. I had received an e-mail from him (I had somehow managed to make my way onto a mailing list through Image!!!) and thought to get in on the new series Sweets he had going with Image. I had to give him props for doing the writing and art himself. Very nice guy and I just recently read issue #1 and enjoyed it.
Recently Wonder Woman had a big reveal with a change of costume... and creative team. And in Wonder Woman #600 I was very impressed with the series new artist Don Kramer. I had heard of him but really hadn't seen his work, but I very much look forward to his work on the series and reached out to him. How pleasantly surprised I was to hear back from him. I mean... Wonder Woman!
Another bit of news led me to discover the pencils of Tyler Kirkham. Recently announced as a new artist for DC's Green Lantern Corps. This guy has got me psyched up for this appearance. I won't spoil the surprise awaiting for this issue just yet, however he did have this to say, "I put u in a cool spot too. You are standing right behind Sinestro lol."
And lastly, I've waited for this moment for a while now... I had been in contact off and on with artist Khoi Pham back when he started his end run on Marvel's Mighty Avengers. I had followed up with Khoi, trying to find out what his next up and coming project was. Well persistence has paid off. He e-mailed me saying, "you're in! chaos war #2. you'll have to wait to see the page, though."
Well this is great news! Now, I've enjoyed Khoi's work in Avengers but couldn't recall the Chaos War project, but after checking out the G4 video on the project, it looks killer... but I'm excited for another reason altogether... this will be my first Marvel appearance! Aw Yeah!

Recently Wonder Woman had a big reveal with a change of costume... and creative team. And in Wonder Woman #600 I was very impressed with the series new artist Don Kramer. I had heard of him but really hadn't seen his work, but I very much look forward to his work on the series and reached out to him. How pleasantly surprised I was to hear back from him. I mean... Wonder Woman!

And lastly, I've waited for this moment for a while now... I had been in contact off and on with artist Khoi Pham back when he started his end run on Marvel's Mighty Avengers. I had followed up with Khoi, trying to find out what his next up and coming project was. Well persistence has paid off. He e-mailed me saying, "you're in! chaos war #2. you'll have to wait to see the page, though."
Well this is great news! Now, I've enjoyed Khoi's work in Avengers but couldn't recall the Chaos War project, but after checking out the G4 video on the project, it looks killer... but I'm excited for another reason altogether... this will be my first Marvel appearance! Aw Yeah!

Labels: Contact, Don Kramer, Khoi Pham, Kody Chamberlain, Tyler Kirkham